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€0 €100 €600 €1200

Free Support plan

Used by small companies and developers as a first step to learn and evaluate the Ombori solutions. This plan is not available through Azure Marketplace and you cannot add additional devices.

  • Remote support active
  • Register tickets in online form
  • No SLA or committed response time
  • No onsite support
  • Working hours, weekdays 8-17 CET (you can register online 24/7)
  • Maximum 3 devices
Level Description Response Time Status Update Hours Days
1-4 All Best Effort When done 8:00 - 17:00 Mon-Fri


Support plan for small clients only using single app or several apps but with limited use, still in a more explorative state that wants a committed response time, active monitoring and proactive support. You can scale and add more devices at an additional cost.

  • Remote monitoring and proactive remote resolution
  • Remote support active
  • Register tickets in online form
  • SLA on platform uptime 99,999
  • Committed response time and status update
  • No onsite support, possibility to have tickets routed to onsite support partner
  • Opening/working hour 8-18, in one time zone (you can register online 24/7)
  • 3 devices (additional devices will be billed separately)
Level Description Response Time Status Update Hours Days
1 Critical 4 hours Every 4 hours 8:00 - 18:00 Mon-Fri
2 Major 8 hours Every 8 hours 8:00 - 18:00 Mon-Fri
3 Minor 48 hours When done 8:00 - 18:00 Mon-Fri
4 Cosmetic 5 days When done 8:00 - 18:00 Mon-Fri


Support plan for our clients that are using Ombori solutions every day. Have a need for committed response time, first line phone support and longer opening hours. You also get a dedicated contact to help you minimize any problems and make best use of the Ombori solutions in your business.

  • Remote monitoring and proactive remote resolution
  • First line phone support, whit remote support active
  • Register tickets by phone, chat, online form and through e-mail
  • SLA on platform uptime 99,999
  • Committed response time and status update
  • Analytics and reports, with proactive learning suggestions
  • Dedicated support management contact
  • Escalation phone option and major incident communication
  • No onsite support, possibility to have tickets routed to onsite support partner - Opening/working hours 8-21, in one time zone (you can register 24/7) - 60 devices (additional devices will be billed separately)
Level Description Response Time Status Update Hours Days
1 Critical 30 min Every 1 hour 8:00 - 21:00 Mon-Sun
2 Major 1 hour Every 2 hours 8:00 - 21:00 Mon-Sun
3 Minor 8 hours When done 8:00 - 21:00 Mon-Sun
4 Cosmetic 48 hours When done 8:00 - 21:00 Mon-Sun


Support agreement for global clients that has high demand on SLA and committed response time, 24/7 operation hours, first line phone support, can also be integrated and function as second line to existing client servicedesk.

  • Remote monitoring and proactive remote resolution
  • First line phone support, whit remote support active
  • Register tickets by phone, chat, online form and through e-mail
  • SLA on platform uptime 99,999
  • Committed response time and status update
  • Analytics and reports, with proactive learning suggestions
  • Dedicated support management contact
  • No onsite support, possibility to have tickets routed to onsite support partner - Possibility for ticket flow integration to client servicedesk solution - Escalation phone option and major incident communication
  • 24/7 opening hours
  • 500 devices (additional devices will be billed separately)
Level Description Response Time Status Update Hours Days
1 Critical 30 min Every 1 hour 00:00-24:00 Mon-Sun
2 Major 1 hour Every 2 hours 00:00-24:00 Mon-Sun
3 Minor 8 hours When done 00:00-24:00 Mon-Sun
4 Cosmetic 48 hours When done 00:00-24:00 Mon-Sun



The impact to the business of the current incident/ticket, this is then the base for how quickly you will get help

Response time

The maximum time limit before we will get back to the client after they have registered a ticket.

Status Update

After initial contact (Response time), how long will it maximum take before we get back to the client with an update, and the reoccurring until the ticket is closed.

Hours & Days

The hours and days that the servicedesk are open, phone and chat are open and the operators work to solve tickets. This is also the time that the response time and status update are operational. You can always register a ticket in the online form.

Remote monitoring and proactive remote resolution

We will monitor the devices and solution remotely, get alerted and solve potential problems

Remote support active

When you contact us, we have the possibility to support you, your device and solution remote, troubleshoot and solve tickets. Therefor in many cases limit the need for onsite technicians, hardware problems will always need onsite support

First line phone support

You have the opportunity to call us and get help by phone.

Register tickets by phone, chat, online form and through e-mail

The ways you are able to register a ticket with us

SLA on platform uptime 99,999

The Ombori grid platform uptime SLA

Committed response time and status update

How fast we will contact you after register a ticket and how often we will get back to you with status updates.

Analytics and reports

You will have the opportunity to get reports and analytical information on your tickets

Proactive learning suggestions

We will help you analyze the reports and data to find areas to limit the amount of tickets (for example by educate staff, change hardware or update a solution)

Dedicated support management contact

You will have a dedicated support management contact, that helps with reports, analytics and make sure your support is working correctly.

No onsite support, possibility to have tickets routed to onsite support partner

Tickets that need onsite support, after troubleshooting and remote investigation can be routed to a local support partner

Possibility for ticket flow integration to client servicedesk solution

You can integrate our servicdesk to your own or partner servicedesk solution to have a smooth flow of tickets, always know the status of your tickets and get one source for analytics.

Escalation phone option and major incident communication

You will have a contact phone number for escalation issues and we will contact you if any critical incident is reported

3/10/100/Unlimited devices

The number of devices you are allowed to have in the current support plan.