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Annual General meeting

October 29 2021

The shareholders in OmboriGrid AB (publ), reg. no 556841-1333 (the “Company”), are convened to the annual general meeting on Friday 29 October 2021.

In order to reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus, the board of directors has resolved, in accordance with the act (2020:198) on temporary exceptions to facilitate the execution of general meetings in companies and other associations, that the annual general meeting shall be held without the physical presence of shareholders, proxies or any third parties, and that the shareholders’ voting rights may only be exercised in advance by postal voting.

Updated information

De ursprungliga beslutsförslagen finns inkluderade i kallelsen till bolagsstämman. Efter publiceringen av kallelsen har förslaget om val av styrelseledamöter ändrats så att Frida Karlsson, chefsjurist på ITAB Shop Concept AB (publ.), föreslås väljas till styrelseledamot istället för Ola Sandgren. Poströsningsformuläret har uppdaterats i enlighet härmed och de aktieägare som redan har inkommit med sin röst har kontaktats.

The original proposals are included in the notice to the general meeting. After the notice was published, the proposal for the election of board members has been changed to the effect that Frida Karlsson, General Counsel at ITAB Shop Concept AB (publ.), is proposed to be elected as board member instead of Ola Sandgren. The postal voting form has been amended accordingly and the shareholders who have already exercised their voting rights have been contacted.

Frida Karlsson är chefsjurist på ITAB Shop Concept AB (publ.), som är en av de större aktieägarna i Bolaget. Frida har erfarenhet från tidigare uppdrag som bolagsjurist, hon har även arbetat på advokatbyrå och arbetade då främst med bolagsrätt, kommersiella avtal och företagsförvärv.

Frida Karlsson is the General Counsel at ITAB Shop Concept AB (publ.), which is one of the larger shareholders of the Company. Frida has experience from previous assignments as in-house legal counsel, she has also worked at law firm with focus on company law, commercial contract law and mergers & acquisitions.